UK Today #3


Cette linogravure est mon interprĆ©tation graphique de Sleaford Mods et de leur vision du Royaume-Uni aujourdā€™hui. This is my graphic interpretation of Sleaford Mods and their vision of the UK today.



Cette linogravure est mon interprĆ©tation graphique de Sleaford Mods et de leur vision du Royaume-Uni aujourdā€™hui. Ces derniĆØres annĆ©es, je me suis plongĆ© dans leurs albums, absorbĆ© leur minimalisme brut, leur rage froide, leur humour tranchant. Chaque morceau ressemble Ć  un instantanĆ© brutal dā€™un pays en crise, pris entre dĆ©sillusion et cynisme, entre prĆ©caritĆ© et arrogance politique.

Le Royaume-Uni vu par eux, cā€™est des pintes tiĆØdes, des villes qui sā€™effondrent, des boulots sans issue et des politiciens mĆ©prisants. Cā€™est la colĆØre du punk, le groove du grime et la rĆ©pĆ©tition hypnotique du quotidien. Avec ces trois images, jā€™ai voulu retranscrire Ƨa : lā€™ennui, la rĆ©volte et cette absurditĆ© ambiante qui devient presque comique.

Partie #3 du tryptique Sleaford Mods UK Today.

Papier 14x14cm, impression 10x10cm.

This is my graphic interpretation of Sleaford Mods and their vision of the UK today. Over the past few years, Iā€™ve immersed myself in their albums, absorbed their raw minimalism, their cold rage, their sharp humor. Every track feels like a stark snapshot of a country in crisisā€”caught between disillusionment and cynicism, between precarity and political arrogance.

The UK through their eyes is warm pints, crumbling towns, dead-end jobs, and contemptuous politicians. Itā€™s punk anger, grime groove, and the hypnotic repetition of daily life. With these three images, I wanted to translate that: boredom, rebellion, and the absurdity of it all, turning almost comedic.

Part #3 of triptych Sleaford Mods UK Today.

Paper 14x14cm, print 10x10cm.